At What Age do we Get Into Gardening?

Do you think of yourself as a young or old gardener? Well a new survey by garden tool manufacturer Fiskars suggests it’s definitely a mid life thing, with their research arriving at the figure of age 41 as the point at which most gardeners begin to cut their teeth.

Before this age a third of people said they still relied on good old mum and dad for help in the garden, with a further 10 per cent turning to Youtube for help. It’s hardly surprising really, with the average age of most people taking their first steps onto the property ladder now 32 with financial help, and 37 without, it stand to reason that life won’t have settled down enough for gardening until a few years later.

Less surprising still is that whilst people might not get into gardening until later, that doesn’t by any means make them horticultural experts when they get there, with most adults in their 40s struggling to name staple plants such as fuchsias and geraniums.

Of course like anything in life, quality time is needed to really get acquainted with a subject, so it’s hardly surprising that our retirement years are still seen as the time when we really get to grips with gardening, however that doesn’t make younger people a total write off.

These days there are all manner of tools, apps, and other services available to make gardening less like hard work and more like a ‘bolt on’ feature of domestic life, and of course as far as technology is concerned, younger people are far more likely to be interested if something they use is at the forefront in this respect.

Ultimately of course, gardening is a great pastime for all. What could be better than spending time immersed in nature, especially when you get to reap the full visual, olfactory, and in some cases culinary delights of your hard efforts in the garden?

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