How to Hide Those Necessary Evils in Your Backyard

Once you move into a house and settle in, you may find there are things that stick out, lurking in the background of your otherwise idyllic homestead. Such items include bins (often several of them), gas/electric meters, drain covers, outdoor lighting, a pile of left over bricks from that job you did last year, to wiring and so on. When you see such things ruining your view, you’ll might be stuck and unsure about how to improve on them. Well, that should not be an issue anymore, with a few simple changes, you can quickly change how your landscape looks and ensure you don’t have ugly man made items sticking out like a sore thumb on your domestic landscape. With the right steps, you can quickly cover up such mistakes in your garden or backyard, and once you decide that you need to conceal various items in your garden, there are certain things that you need to factor in.

Picture the Scenario

Before you can do anything, you first need to carefully observe exactly what’s causing problems before you can do anything. The initial step will be to locate the various items that need to be concealed. Once you create a list of items, whether it’s bins or outdoor elctrical junction boxes, you can then take measurements that will determine the tools and materials you’ll need to do the job effectively.

Take Proper Measurements

If you know the exact measurements of what you want to conceal, you’ll have a much easier time when you come to actually do so. Get perfect measurements for the height and width and depth of the object.

Which Materials to Use

Trellis is a great way to create a natural looking screen, and once you’ve got things growing on it it’s even better

Finding the appropriate type of material to hide the items is the next job. If you’re trying to hide large objects, such as an array of wheely bins, a wooden enclosure is the best option. The wooden enclosure should be made to fit according to the measurements that you made. One of the easiest materials to use would be fencing or trellis, both readily available from B&Q and other DIY shops. If you want to hide small items, then you might find it better to use shrubs or vines, such as Virginia creeper. Using living organic matter in this way is the most seemless approach, and will do the best job of hiding those unsightly items.


In the end though it doesn’t matter what you use to conceal an object, what’s important is how you do it. It’s important you take the right measurements and use materials that easily blend with your landscape. This will ensure that you still keep your garden a pleasurable space for you and your loved ones to spend time.

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