The bedroom is a special room for anyone, young or old. It’s the one room we can truly relax in, ultimately to the point of being able to sleep! A bedroom needs to feel like a haven, and to do so the design of the room needs to be exactly as per the occupant’s needs and preferences. The way you design a bedroom will depend on the occupant’s needs, so in the case of designing a bedroom for your child, you will of course need to consider what you child wants. Children have a wild imagination, so you need to work with them to create their dream bedroom, translating those wild ideas into something realistic and tangible. To do this, you’ll need to factor in a few things:
Flexibility is Vital
When it comes to kids, you probably know it’s hard for them to stick to one thing, and they might like many things at the same time, one thing yesterday but not today, and so on. When you’re working with them to design their bedroom, don’t just concentrate on one specific idea, but instead try and manage their requirements to broadly capture the essence of what they’re after. For example, don’t go for one particular theme. You can mix it up and even combine several ideas. The colour of the room will also be affected with the theme(s) you select. Choose a colour scheme that your child loves, and that is able to stand the test of time, at least for a few years anyway!
Concentrate on Space
Kids have all manner of toys and other accessories that are stored in their rooms, so you need to know how best to accommodate them. You need to provide storage areas for toys and other items. If you get this crucial part right, you’ll be able to ensure the room has enough space, and will be neat at all times. Although achieving this might still need a bit of verbal encouragement from you at times!
Crucially, how safe is the bedroom? Safety is something you need to focus in on as a parent, so make sure that you spend time thinking about how to make the bedroom as safe as possible. This is particularly important if the room will be occupied by a toddler. Be sure to have window locks installed, cover any open sockets and incorporate any other safety precautions you deem necessary without compromising on fun and development too much.