So you’ve got a small hedge in the garden, and it’s looking a little on the ragged side, you know you need a tool to help you tidy it up, but you don’t want to spend through the nose, whilst at the same time not compromising on quality.
What should you do?
Well, we can only speak for ourselves of course, but if we were in that situation we would definitely invest in the Bosch AHS 45-16, the smallest and most affordable in a whole range of high quality hedge cutters from Bosch. Why would we use this? Well, first of all the price tag is almost certainly attractive for the tentative gardener in all of us, at the lower end of £100 you needn’t worry about feeling guilty about parting with your cash. Even if it were to stay locked in your shed for all but a couple of days in the year, you’d know that it had been worth it.
And worth it this most certainly is, just because it isn’t expensive doesn’t suddenly mean that this trimmer scrimps on quality, nothing could be further from the truth. The 450W motor packs quite a punch for this little machine, especially given that several of it’s bigger brothers are equally as powerful.
The only real compromise this trimmer makes is in its short blade length. At just 45cm long, this clearly won’t be the speediest of trimmers on larger hedges, but if you’ve only got some minor topiary to attend to, perhaps in the form of a low hedge, or one or two small bushes, then you really won’t go wrong here
- Surprisingly powerful 450W motor means that stalling or lack of bit won’t be of any issue
- Lightweight, at only 2.6 kg, this won’t be of any great hardship for all but the most frail to lift for short periods of time.
- Like all Bosch products this is designed with the user in mind, in particular in this case the soft grip hand holds ensure that any irritation you might experience through vibration will be reduced greatly
- Diamond ground cutting teeth mean that this beast stays sharp and cuts through everything from groups of leaves to thick branches of a centimetre or so in diameter.
- Short blade length means that this isn’t the tool for the job if you need to cut much larger areas of hedging or shrubbery
- The 6 metre cable could prove ineffective without the addition of an extension lead, after all just because you have a small amount of trimming to do, doens’nt mean your garden is necessarily small
For the size, for power, and for the money, this hedge trimmer really is hard to beat. As an entry-level trimmer, or simply as a replacement for an older machine that’s seen better days, this covers both needs and more with ease.
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