Flymo Easi Glide 300 Electric Lawn Mower Review

Flymo Easiglide Spec Image

If you know anything about us here at Lawn Mower Wizard, you’ll know that we aren’t the biggest fans of hover mowers with integral grass collection boxes as the variable weight that the collected grass provides can make the ‘hover’ feature ineffective. None the less we believe in a fair trial so let’s take a closer look at the ‘Easi Glide.’

There’s no denying the popularity of this mower among customers and many swear by it, indeed it has many reliable features that can’t be ignored.

A powerful 1400 Watt motor ensures that whatever grass is cut is cut effectively, and the 33cm cutting width is fairly typical of smaller electric mowers, so no qualms there. The price tag is definitely favourable, so if you can make this mower work for you, then we say go for it.

Like all hover mowers, the big advantage is manoeuvrability, and this mower is no exception, it glides effortlessly across the lawn, but of course being a hover mower you’re instantly restricted in cutting height, a range of only 1-3 cm can be achieved with this mower, and that’s before you consider it scraping along the ground when it becomes over laden.

In fairness if you’re prepared to empty the mower every time it loses hover height (and you might be if you favour the superior manoeuvrability over wheeled mowers) then you won’t have any issues. Though it can’t be ignored that the grass box is a measly 20 litres in capacity, so you’ll probably find yourself doing this whether you like it or not.


Well we’re still not sold on the idea of hover mowers with grass boxes, but we can see the appeal, just be prepared to take a walk over to the compost heap more frequently than you would with a wheeled mower. Not only this, but if you’ve owned a similar Flymo before, you might be somewhat disappointed with the overall quality of this model, the general consensus is that it is of a lower quality, is made of flimsier plastic and doesn’t do as good a job at collecting grass as older models.

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Flymo Easi Glide 330VX Electric Hover Collect Lawnmower 1400W
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