With progressive technologies emerging faster than you can probably keep up with them, it’s not surprising to note the increasing number of weird and wonderful gadgets on the marketplace, both physical and digital, attracting the attention of both consumers and businesses. Digital technology spurs on the prominence of mobile technology, and these days of course, the smart phone is king.
It’s well known that advanced mobile phones today are very popular with consumers from all walks of life, there’s literally a phone and an app to suit everyone. In fact mobile technology is so well received by consumers and businesses alike these days that heavy marketing emphasis is placed as much on the apps and functions of phones as the phones themselves.
One of the latest advanced features available in modern smart phones is a thermal imaging camera. What was once a specialist separate entity is now a simple add on to your smart phone. This would have been unthinkable just a few years ago!
The ‘Seek’ Thermal camera works to convert your smart phone into a dynamic electronic gadget with thermal imaging camera features. The associated app is of course easy to download, and with a quick bit of set up you’ll soon be off taking heat sensitive pictures to your hearts content.
The device which is currently priced at around £200, works by converting heat energy into a visible image that can be recorded on any compatible mobile device such as smart phone or tablet. You can create images in this rather unique fashion just for fun, but it also has a serious practical use too, it’s ideal for of detecting unseen problems about the house, that would otherwise be tough to diagnose. This includes water leaks, piping damage, loose wires and even poorly performing HVAC units. Make no mistake, with this bit of kit to hand you could stand to shave significant chunks off your enery bills aas you use it to discover inefficiencies.
Various Applications
The thermal camera in the smart phone is able to detect any amount of heat, for instance it will quite happily detect heat emanating from a heater with only the pilot light running. Of course if you do detect heat from such a seemingly weak and well insulated source, this could flag up any inefficiency straight away.
Another application for a thermal imaging camera is to capture the amount of heat loss from a kettle. Kettles being the energy guzzlers that they are, it’s always worth determining if they costing you more than they should be, particularly older models.