Are you an enthusiast of the latest cutting edge style and technological advances? Well if you are, and you’re in the market for a jigsaw, then the Hitachi CJ110MV is your ideal choice. Among the many features of this 720-watt jigsaw, is its unmistakable all new futuristic design.
It has an overall length of 240mm making it compact for storage but still capable of carrying out the kind of complex cutting work you’ll need to do in both a domestic and professional setting. It weighs 2.2 kg making it a little heavier than a lot of other models but so long as it is powerful, then the weight is not such a big deal given that it’s operation only involves maneuvering rather than lifting it. Its maximum cutting thickness is 11 cm in wood, while in mild steel plate it penetrates to a maximum of 1cm.
It also has a variable speed motor with an electronic feedback speed control. This gives you complete control as you work, and means you’ll be able to work at your own pace to achieve the smoothness and precision you require. For example, when working on soft surfaces, the speed needs to be slower than when cutting tough surfaces. This jigsaw ensures you use the required effort to match whatever surface you’re working on.
The dust blower also works to ensure you have a clear line of cut, thus this is another factor that ensures you’ll be able to produce a high quality end result. The dust collection adaptor helps to manage the dust, keep the work site clean and to protect your eyes, protecting you from any flying chips. The LED spotlight is also very handy as it ensures you have a well-lit environment especially in dark corners, and on poorly lit work sites.
A tool-free blade locking system makes cutting easier, faster and consequently more efficient. In essence, if no tools are needed to lock the blade, you spend less time fiddling about, and more time cutting.
The chip cover and table insert, which is basically an anti-splinter device, protects you from injuries such as scratches and from chips falling into your eyes.
- Has a variable speed motor with an electronic feedback speed control improving cutting efficiency
- Tool-free blade-locking system
- Powerful motor with 720 watts
- Short cable that restrains movement when working
Though a household name, Hitachi aren’t exactly synonymous with power tools, the jury’s out on whether that’s a good thing or not. Some users have complained that the blade changing system keeps falling off, making things more tiring than if a tool were required. None the less, there is a lot of heart in this tool, and it’s got a lot going for it, not least its clever electronic feedback system to improve control and efficiency, and of course not forgetting it’s mean looking design!
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