This is the ideal product for just picking up and getting the garden sorted. It’s quite light at 4.4kg and the weight of the product is all centralised. This, along with the handle going directly over the middle of the product allows you to move freely without losing balance. It’s tempting to stay away from petrol blowers as they require carrying instead of using a strap. However, because it’s this small you’ll have no problems with strain.
The ZMAK-BHX2501 doesn’t make a lot of noise, which is surprising as a lot of 4-stroke engines tend to be loud, though of course quieter than 2-strokes. It’s also got significantly lower emissions than other products which is always a bonus.
You can buy multiple accessories for this product, including additional nozzles should you need them. This allows you to cater to different tasks within the garden, as well as whole other areas if you are using it as part of a business. However, it’s disappointing to find these have to be bought separately. This blower is priced towards the two hundred pound mark, which is of course already quite a sum to pay, let alone additional parts. Do note however, they aren’t a necessity so it isn’t an issue to most people.
The only other problem with this blower is in assembling it. It’s quite difficult to attach all the pieces, simply because they are so tightly fitted. However this appears to be a sign that it’s sturdy and won’t be falling apart any time soon!
• Easy to carry due to design
• Lightweight
• Environmentally friendly
• Sturdy construction
• Accessories are sold separately
• Hard to put together
The price of this product is fair considering the possibilities it holds. If you’re willing to pay a little more you can buy all sorts of additions and create a really bespoke product that works for you. It’s not loud and because of the design it’s easy to store. We would definitely recommend this to a new buyer looking for something that will last.
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