Creating Professional 2D Layouts with AutoCAD

cad drg backgroundAutoCAD has been around for so long,  if you’re a designer, you’ve almost certainly heard about or used it at some point in your career, but you don’t have to be a professional to reap the benefits of this relatively simple programme. AutoCAD is a very powerful tool when it comes to designing, and with the right information and a basic knowledge of the software, you can easily start creating layouts to help you plan your construction and DIY projects. There is so much that you can do with the software. If you are a novice and thinking of creating 2D layouts, then AutoCAD is the perfect tool for you out there. If you have never used the software before, you’ll need to know the basics before you can use it. A good guide will ensure that you are able to create a layout to bring your ideas a step closer to reality, whether it’s the design of your new kitchen design or your entire new home. The potential of AutoCAD is vast and you can design pretty much anything that you can imagine once you’ve grasped a few basic concepts.

There are basic commands that you need to be aware of when creating 2D drawings with AutoCAD. We’re going to have a quick look at what you need to know before you can start working on your 2D design. Whether you are looking to refresh your memory or learn for the first time, the following are some of the first things you need to have in mind:

  1. Basics – The basic level will require that you know about the basic AutoCAD controls and how to use them. You will need to learn about the units that AutoCAD uses so that you can make your drawings.
  2. Viewing – This involves panning and zooming in a drawing once you have made your drawing. You will need to be able to control the order of overlapping layers.
  3. Geometry – This is an essential step that will require you to be able to create basic geometric objects, such as hatched areas, lines, and circles.
  4. Precision – As you create your 2D models, you need to be precise in your measurements so that when the design is turned into reality everything matches and you can be sure about the quantities of materials you buy.
  5. Properties – This will require you to know who to assign properties to your layout, such as colour and line type of various objects and layers.
  6. Modifying – Understanding the editing controls, such as move, erase and trim.
  7. Block – This involves adding symbols and detail into your details from other online sources or from your own library of design features.

Like most professional software AutoCAD doesn’t come particularly cheap, however as luck would have it there is now a free alternative that offers almost exactly the same functionality and performance as the original, right down to using exactly the same file types – Dassault Systems ‘Draftsight’ has opened up the world of CAD to everyone, and it’s available to download for free here. There really is no excuse not to get dabbling with CAD!

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