Trueshopping Cordless Electric Leaf Blower Review

This product is a wonderful dual purpose leaf blower, able to clear pathways and gardens and able to dispose of the contents efficiently. It’s cordless so you can move around a lot without worrying about tripping on a wire or not reaching those extensive areas at the back of your garden.

It weighs 3.8kg which can be considered quite reasonable for something that provides this much utility. This is mainly due to the bag, so obviously the more full it becomes, the heavier it will be.

The bag itself has a volume of 15L, which isn’t particularly big to be honest. It’s smaller than some models and you will be emptying it quite a few times if you have a lot of fallen leaves to pick up. On the plus side the mechanism to detach it isn’t complicated, so this won’t be a problem for most people.

Another potential issue is the charge time. To reach full charge, you’re looking at 4-5 hours. Our best advice with thi blower is to plan in advance or you may find yourself running out of battery half way through the job, then waiting half a day to complete it.


• Multi purpose tool which can both clear and dispose
• Cordless tool for expansive reach


• Low volume bag
• Charge time can sometimes be frustrating


For the average person this is a great leaf blower. The mechanisms are simplistic so even if this is your first blower you’ll get to grips with it very quickly. It’s easy to pick up once it’s finished charging, and will let you go all over the garden without the need for extension cables or accessories.

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Trueshopping Cordless Electric Leaf Blower
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